Bishop Chris Stokes and His Impact on Micanopy

Bishop Chris Stokes is a controversial figure making waves in Micanopy. Born and raised in this small country town, he could not wait to get away and experience the world, which he did as a member of the military. While he was away in California on active duty, he was surprised to find himself yearning for the sweet nothings of country life in Micanopy. He followed this urging and he came back to Florida.
Although he chose to reside just outside of Micanopy in Citra with his wife Dotty, he swiftly set out to create resources in the Micanopy community that improve the quality of life for all residents. In 2013, he opened the New Beginning Christian Worship Center located at 402 NW 6th Avenue in Micanopy and then directly across the street he opened the The Willie Mae Stokes Community Center located at 356 NW 6th Avenue.
Over time he turned two barren trailers into a service center that has been a vital resource for hundreds of children and families. The Willie Mae Stokes Community Center offers tutoring, after school care and access to technology, guidance and support for families in need. There is a fresh food give-away every Tuesday at 11:30 am outside of the Worship Center. The Community Center’s after care program attracts children of all races and cares for them all equally.
Bishop Stokes also led the creation of the Micanopy Athletic Association so that all children in Micanopy can enjoy sportsmanship and representing their town in baseball.

Bishop Stokes is most widely known to be the peacemaker when there is discord in Micanopy, however some residents believe that he is power hungry and should not have so much influence in a city that he cannot even vote in.
Regardless of the whispers and criticisms that come along with being a community leader, when you make your judgment based on impact, Bishop Chris Stokes’ obvious record of building and providing is proof that he is an important member of the Micanopy community and the town would be less fruitful without him.
While I agree with most of your articles, my humble opinion is that Bishop Stokes isn’t a business as usual man. He walks the walk and talks the talk which makes him an excellent leader. Lest we forget Micanopy isn’t always receptive to change in guards. Proud our community has a man that stands with the average citizens.
I thank you for the article first and foremost, The idea of me being the subject of any writing is humbling to me, I don’t want Power I want peace.
I will always stand for I see as right and for those that wronged and I will speak when it is time speak!
and if some see that as controversial.