Posts by: T Patterson

Colored Family Creates a Spectacle

Three miles southwest of Micanopy lives David Reeves and wife, both of whom are coal black.

Micanopy Man Arrested for Possession of Moonshine

On September 11, 1964, a 58-year-old Micanopy man named Jessie Walker, Jr. was arrested and charged with possession of moonshine..

Micanopy Woman Sues Town Marshal for False Imprisonment

38-year-old Annie Mae Owens filed a lawsuit against the town of Micanopy and its officials for $85,000 in December of 1965.

Dunmore’s Burgers

Located at 208 NE Highway 441 in Micanopy, FL, Dunmore’s Burgers was a local fast food restaurant owned by Chester.

Bishop Chris Stokes and His Impact on Micanopy

Bishop Chris Stokes is a controversial figure making waves in Micanopy. Born and raised in this small country town, he.

Black Professional Occupations in 1880

In the year 1880 census, most Micanopy residents listed themselves as farmers, laborers or housewives. There were some residents who.

Dead Body Found in Micanopy

The body of Corey Grimmage, a Gainesville resident was found in Micanopy, Florida on Dec 7th, near the intersection of NE 1st Street and Bay Avenue. The man had suffered multiple gunshot wounds and his cell phone was nowhere to be found near the scene.

Enslaved Woman Sues to Buy Her Freedom

Before Florida was a US Territory, it was ruled by Spain. The Spanish enslavement system held the enslaved in higher.

Micanopy’s First White Settler Had 10 Children By a Black Woman

Wanton sided with the Spanish and the Seminoles against the Patriots because he had a Mulatto partner named Margaret “Peggy” Saunders Gray

Black soldiers from Micanopy

WWI Service Cards for Black Soldiers from Micanopy

These are real World War I Service Cards from Black (Colored) soldiers from Micanopy, collected by the State Archives of Florida,